Management in Andrology
Managing risk, the service and quality
Andrology Consulting offers a wide range of services to assist in laboratory function and management. Whether you’re a small private clinic or large publicly funded service we can help you identify areas for improvement in all aspects of the service from diagnostic to therapeutic work, regulations, review and research.

Quality End-Product
Getting the basics right
Whether you are keen on reviewing general laboratory process, regulation, audit or how to best to make the most of available resources, we can help. We can set you on track with a systematic approach to training new and existing staff, help with manpower analysis, ensuring that high quality services can be delivered safely and as cost-effectively as possible. Whether the focus is on diagnostic semen analysis, sperm toxicity testing or processing sperm for ART or cryopreservation, we can help to improve the quality of laboratory output.
Cryobank Management
Expert guidance where its needed
Probably the area of highest risk in andrology and possibly across reproductive medicine, serious untoward incidents in the cryobank have led to deaths of staff and visitors and losses of patient material. Stored sperm, eggs and embryos are extremely precious to patients and losses due to either process, equipment or human failure can have significant consequences not least in litigation. We have a number of well-cited publications in this area, worked with legal representatives on a number of these cases and have a track record in identifying and controlling for risk in cryopreservation and long term storage. Whether the risks identified require work on strategy, resourcing, laboratory process or regulatory aspects, we can help you make some important decisions.

Quality Management in Andrology
Documentation and validation of process
Andrology consulting can help you with reviewing your staffing, processes, policies, procedures and record keeping with a view to becoming a high quality accredited service. All procedures should be sufficiently comprehensive to: allow trainees to learn and follow; allow outside assessors to understand your methods; that they are and validated and clearly 'fit for purpose'. With more than 25 years of developing documentation in andrology, we can help you to devise a modern portfolio of procedures and accompanying forms which are used to record activities. Moreover we can help you develop the necessary background, historic evidence and information required to justify/validate your procedures and where this is absent advise on how such evidence may be obtained.