Competence in the laboratory cannot be achieved simply by attending seminars, webinars or other meetings but instead needs a combination of acquiring specific laboratory skills and ideally, the in-depth knowledge that underpins associated methods.
Best Practice vs Standardisation
With a reasonable evidence-base to support some aspects of practice but with other areas remaining in the bracket of ‘highly controversial’, the term ‘best practice’ in andrology is something of a moot point. We use a tried and tested model which introduces what are considered ‘gold standard’ e.g. WHO methods but in a conscious effort to avoid being overly prescriptive, allow trainees to compare these to less-well established alternatives. In this way, trainees not only understand standardised methodology but also the reasons behind their selection/adoption. The aim is to strike a careful balance between both theoretical and practical aspects of each discipline, using internationally recognised standards as a platform where appropriate.

We can provide site visits for 1:1 tuition or group learning and are happy to map out a program to suit the service depth and breadth.
Areas covered include:
Pre-exam process
User information, Specimen collection/handling, Macroscopic measures
Exam process
Sperm motility (manual, CASA), Vitality (HOS, eosin/nigrosin),Sperm concentration (manual, CASA), Sperm morphology (WHO approaches, alternatives, evidence-base), Post-vasectomy testing
Post-exam process
Reporting, Clinical interpretation/follow-up, Risk, Limitations and uncertainty.
The limitations and risk associated with pre-exam, exam and post- procedures on outcome is discussed throughout to raise awareness of how ‘diagnostic uncertainty’ can be influenced by errors introduced at every step of the processes and how far mitigation of such risk can lead to a better end-product.
Therapeutic andrology
Sperm storage process (pre-storage, cryopreservation, follow-up, risk
Sperm donation process (cryopreservation, quarantine, release, follow-up)
Sperm preparation
Cryobank management/risk management
Additional laboratory functions
Risk management (risk identification/assessment, prioritisation, mitigation)
Management function (process mapping, laboratory design, resourcing, training)
Toxicity testing (scope, methodology, identification of standards)
Assessment of validation, uncertainty